Monday, 17 June 2013

Carpe Diem

Last year in January I went back to school a little bit earlier cause I wanted to rest from there since home was  busy than school, so when I got there one day was enough to rest, pouff! a lazy body now! fortunately there were volunteers who were building class rooms at school, so I decided to join them in the building, good enough there were some other girls which made the work full of fun!

One of the girls we were working together had a tattoo on her wrist written "Carpe Diem" it caught my attention and my curiosity didn't spare me from asking her what it means and why she had it, she told me that it means "Seize the Day", I was like WOW

Carpe Diem has acquired a wrong interpretation from the ancient times when  it was made famous by the general public; and now its interpreted as "Enjoy the present Day", calling for indulging in the  pleasure in the idea that the future is uncertain and that everything will disappear, inciting for pleasure without considering any values and disciplines of life. That idea is completely opposite to the original text, which encourages to exhaust the day but in the right way.

Tasha what are you trying to say here? the thought is this, we tend to take our chances and opportunities for granted as if they will last forever, we use our todays as if they'll always comeback, and we don't seize them, we don't give our best to what we got.

Look, there's a funny observation I've made in my community; people don't eat fruits or other wholesome meals when they are healthy and in normal conditions, but wait when they get sick, they eat like no man's business! but what so they wait to get sick to do what they were supposed to do even to prevent the getting sick? this is what we always do even in our work, relationships, health... why do we have to wait to lose a friend so that we can start calling again and apologizing while if we had done that before we wouldn't need to get that far? why do we wait to get a warning letter from our bosses so that we can start performing well and being devoted to our work? why do we have to wait for our relationship to break so that we can start caring and doing the things we were supposed to do to prevent the breaking?

Sometimes we get a second chance, sometimes the harm done is too big to be fixed... but all we got to learn is to seize the day, be faithful and honest to your work, give your best in your studies, treat well your friends and love them on a daily basis, give, live, love and care in your relationship... be grateful to what is in your life therefore you'll know to cherish them and make the best of them!

Carpe Diem!


1 comment:

  1. We don't use our be best to what we got..... I like it!!!!
