Wednesday, 21 August 2013

When God Asks a Question with Christine

Hey there!
Am so happy to Introduce to you my sister Christine, she's one of the amazing people I've met, with an unfading beautiful smile and a strong spirit, when I read this from her Facebook wall, the next thing I did was to ask her if I can share it on this blog, which she eagerly accepted and I can't thank her enough!

I was blessed, hope you be blessed too!

My lovely sister Christine!
When I read the bible,
I love when God asks a question. 
He doesn't ask for Himself. He already knows the answer. 

He asks us because he wants us to understand and get it.

He asked Adam, "Where art thou?" Sometimes we don't realize where we are in life and it takes the voice of God to remind us.

He asked Moses, "What is that that you have in your hand?" Many times the very blessing we need is already in our grasp.

He asked Malachi, "Will a man rob God?" It's so easy to give our time to everything but the work of The Lord.

He asked Ezekiel, "Can these bones live?" Sometimes you may think a situation in your life has died, but God is reminding you that it can live. It's not dead. It's not over.

He asked a lame man, "Wilt thou be made whole?" God already knows He has the power to deliver you but you need to want to be delivered.

He asked Abraham, "Is there anything too hard for God?"

Think about that as you're going through life.
I don't care what it looks like. There is nothing too hard for God to do



Friday, 16 August 2013

The Transforming Power!


By now you might be curious about this transforming power, wondering what it transform or who does it transform,who needs it, how does it work, etc

Well, this power transforms lives, relationships, families, everything that is broken and needs fixing! it transforms those who apply it in their daily lives and the people around them, and it works in very normal way that you'll find yourself transformed in a way you didn't imagine, the special thing about this transforming is that it doesn't stop by you, but transforms even the people around you.

This Transforming Power is made of the following Five components:

1. Respect For Self

You need to develop a genuine respect for yourself in the first place, separate what happened to you from who you are, and know that respecting yourself is more than a  duty but a principle, refuse to look down on yourself in any case.

2. Caring For Others

Caring for others is the second rule of the transforming power, it says that you have to see everyone as you see yourself, respect everyone with the respect you have for yourself, with this rule, you will not allow a fellow human being to hurt, but will care for all with love and respect.

3. Think Before Acting

This is a culture that our generation is eliminating in their daily lives hence the  increase of regrets and heartbreaking, Thinking before acting is the best way to avoid regrets and all sorts of nightmares in life.Its just giving a thought to every action before its implemented in considering the 2 previous rules.

4. Expecting The Best

This week I had a date with a new friend and he told me that one special thing about him is that he NEVER WORRIES. He took God by his word from Matthew 6:27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?(KJV) he explored this verse in saying, which one of you by worrying has added anything to his life? and for sure, we ought not to worry about anything, just put our full trust in the Lord and expect the best for the future.

5. Ask For A Non Violent Solution

The last but not the least is to ask for a non violent way to solve conflicts or misunderstandings, anytime you have to solve a conflict look please choose the non violent way, violence is not only physical, even shouting and saying negative words that hurt is violent, go for the gentle way, and it won't go wrong.

You got the concept of the Transforming Power, now its up to you to let it work in your life.
See you at the Top!!!



Monday, 5 August 2013

Choose Your Name

In life our choices are quite limited that we don’t even chose our own names… and some of us don't really like them and maybe wish they had different names.

But am participating in this awesome training about communication and public speaking and one of the interesting things that we did today was to choose our own names and give them to ourselves, it sounded strange to me when they just said it but I loved it at the end.

It goes like this… you look at the first letter of your second name, for my example is Natasha (N) then you choose a name of your own starting with that letter according to what you love, who you are, what you aspire to, what inspires you, whatever you want as long it builds you up and makes you happy and proud.

Mine ended up being Nature Natasha and Tuza Tasha :-) we had Rose Rachel, Victor Vincent, Elite Eugene, and V.I.P Vital (and it was the coolest)!

So please make your own name now and submit it, we will see the coolest here too.

Have a new name and be a new you!

Am learning a lot in this training and I will keep on 

sharing them with you!



Tuesday, 30 July 2013

I Hope You Dance

Hello my lovely reader,
I was going through  my favorite playlist of over 2 years back and found this song that I loved meaningfully. I listened to it again and realized that I forgot to dance as I have promised myself when I was in hardship and said that the time I will get back in school and be happy again that I will dance, but I didn’t dance :( and am nearly graduating…I got  busy procrastinating my happiness, waiting for a better and better occasion to dance… yes I know my best days are yet to come, but I got to dance and keep on dancing along with the life’s rhythm even though it changes from day to day! hope you join me and DANCE!
I hope you never lose your sense of wonder,
You get your fill to eat but always keep that hunger,
May you never take one single breath for granted,
GOD forbid love ever leave you empty handed,
I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean,
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens,
Promise me that you’ll give faith a fighting chance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.
I hope you dance….I hope you dance.
I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance,
Never settle for the path of least resistance
Livin’ might mean takin’ chances but they’re worth takin’,
Lovin’ might be a mistake but it’s worth makin’,
Don’t let some hell bent heart leave you bitter,
When you come close to sellin’ out reconsider,
Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.
I hope you be able to celebrate the improvements in your life, dance on  every step you make towards your goals (hope you have it/ them), and be grateful, for even though you are not where you want to get, you are not even where you used to be.

Friday, 12 July 2013

Find Your True Identity!

I've been so much struggling with this thing called IDENTITY and to be honest I still have to work on it, but after deep thoughts and some experiences I got an insight and I hope it will also help/inspire you if you are in the same predicament.

We most of the time want something to be attached to our names, something to identify us among others, and those thing we want to get it from the outside world; from our education, our carrier, our spouses, our boy/girlfriend, our parents, our religion, country, race, tribe… name them, to be called Mrs. Someone, someone’s boy/girlfriend, Dr. Who, Eng. Who, Pr. Who, etc.  These things are not bad at all, we have earned them or achieved them, but they are not who we really are, we are much more than that; our true identity is in us.

The bad thing of searching for your identity from the outside world is that it lowers the whole of you to that specific thing when you are actually so much more than that. Let’s take an example of a person who is in a wrong/miserable marriage or relationship, when this person has attached his/her identity to that relation; it gets too hard for him/her to get out of it because he/she worries too much about what people will say about it, what will become of him/her since he/she  has been known as someone’s boy/girlfriend  for years, and he/she would think that nothing is left of him/her because that’s all he/she has made of his/her identity and not from the person he/she really is.

I think our identity should be found from us, from our inner being, our character. Therefore we ought to cultivate a noble one, made of universal principles and values such as: honesty, responsibility, integrity, respect for others, justice, truthfulness, faith, patience, trust, self-control, and most of all LOVE, live by them daily until they become your identity. Imagine how awesome it would be to be identified as that caring girl or that respectful gentleman!

And on top of that we have a universal and rather unique identity, we are God’s sons and daughters, that’s why we call Him our heavenly father, but we often tend to forget this incredible truth and try so much to build shacks of identities for our own Which cannot really take us that far in this life no matter how much we invest in them. Bearing in mind that you are made of God’s image and that His love, grace, mercy and forgiveness are fully bestowed on you, will enable you to stand any kind of rejection by your fellow men in whom you want to be identified.

I hope you find your true identity in your heavenly father cause that’s actually where it really is, let the thought that you are special and valued in God’s eyes be the source of your self-esteem and worthy, let the knowledge that God lives in you give you the power to walk with your head on your shoulders and to stand tall in  all areas of your life and let it give you the power to be humble and to love as He loves.

Never be so obsessed by your image that you forget from whom it is made!

With Love,


Tuesday, 9 July 2013

I miss writing!

Hey there!

It's been a pretty long time without writing and trust me I miss it more than you miss reading something from here!

Well, I've been very busy the last two weeks working from the field, visiting the households of the beneficiaries of the project am working with in my Internship, and some of the realities I faced really brought me back to my senses and realized how blessed and rich I am. I came back more grateful than ever before... I hope to be able to count all the blessings in my life and live to be a blessing to someone else as I walk this journey called life.

There's a lot you can do to make someone grateful, by just doing the little things for someone else, they might not mean that a lot for you, but it would make someone's day brighter, getting a little bit out of your way for someone else, helping that old co-worker with her heavy bag coming to the office, carrying a cup of tea in the office to your co-worker in tea-break, giving a comfortable seat to that older person in the bus... from a grateful heart you will be able to make someone else grateful!



Friday, 21 June 2013

The Heart Behind the Sarcastic Action of Celebrating A Refugee Day

Yesterday on 20th of June it was again the Refugee Day, which has been being celebrated for the last 13 years,  and in Rwanda it was celebrated in Kigeme Camp in the southern Province, a camp which hosts more than 17,000 of Congolese refugees who fled insecurity in the North Kivu.

 So when we got there my first question was, what do we have to celebrate about refugees? not that they are cast out but what do we really celebrate? I was really furious seeing these little children living miserably and seeing many cars with rich and politician  people coming to celebrate...
 I had to ask, otherwise I was going to go back with a bad heart, then I was told  that it was to show these people that they are not forgotten, that their problems are known and being worked on, to give them hope and support that they will not stay refugees forever...
 And one of the things which finally made me happy, is the speech form one of the refugee who spoke on their behalf... she was grateful and able to see the good things that happened to them even though they are refugees, she said that even though they lost their home, they didn't lose their minds, they can work and survive and restore their lives... she had hope and dreams and she was sure that the life they are living will not be permanent.

 Their kids go to school even though they look this duty but those of school going age are enrolled, and in the Event there was also the official opening of 62 classroom built their to provide education for them.
I finally had a good time with the kids and posed with them, talked with them and left  :-(

There's always things to be grateful for, I was so amazed with the attitude of gratitude these people have... they have at least got a place to stay... and they are grateful about it even though they are refugees.

Today stop a little bit, and say thank you for at least 5 things in your life.

Have a grateful Weekend!

With Love,


Tuesday, 18 June 2013

My Glittering Chocolates!

Am starting to believe in some of the statements like " All that glitters is not gold"

Am sure at looking at this box of chocolate your mouth starts watering as it did for me! I even took sometimes before opening them and start eating... but trust me when I ate them... I don't know how to explain the disappointment (I hope the person who gave them to me will not read this post) looool, but yeah, when he asked me how are the chocolates, I was courageous enough to be honest and told him that they don't taste as good as they look. 
Well, in life you'll meet many people and things that will entirely catch your attention and sweep you off your feet, but my dear reader,cool down a little bit, analyse and taste, take some time to know that person,  that business opportunity or any other thing you might be willing to rush for, see if the are really like how they look or sound. it will spare from disappointment and some other ugly experiences.
With Love and Gratitude, 


Monday, 17 June 2013

Carpe Diem

Last year in January I went back to school a little bit earlier cause I wanted to rest from there since home was  busy than school, so when I got there one day was enough to rest, pouff! a lazy body now! fortunately there were volunteers who were building class rooms at school, so I decided to join them in the building, good enough there were some other girls which made the work full of fun!

One of the girls we were working together had a tattoo on her wrist written "Carpe Diem" it caught my attention and my curiosity didn't spare me from asking her what it means and why she had it, she told me that it means "Seize the Day", I was like WOW

Carpe Diem has acquired a wrong interpretation from the ancient times when  it was made famous by the general public; and now its interpreted as "Enjoy the present Day", calling for indulging in the  pleasure in the idea that the future is uncertain and that everything will disappear, inciting for pleasure without considering any values and disciplines of life. That idea is completely opposite to the original text, which encourages to exhaust the day but in the right way.

Tasha what are you trying to say here? the thought is this, we tend to take our chances and opportunities for granted as if they will last forever, we use our todays as if they'll always comeback, and we don't seize them, we don't give our best to what we got.

Look, there's a funny observation I've made in my community; people don't eat fruits or other wholesome meals when they are healthy and in normal conditions, but wait when they get sick, they eat like no man's business! but what so they wait to get sick to do what they were supposed to do even to prevent the getting sick? this is what we always do even in our work, relationships, health... why do we have to wait to lose a friend so that we can start calling again and apologizing while if we had done that before we wouldn't need to get that far? why do we wait to get a warning letter from our bosses so that we can start performing well and being devoted to our work? why do we have to wait for our relationship to break so that we can start caring and doing the things we were supposed to do to prevent the breaking?

Sometimes we get a second chance, sometimes the harm done is too big to be fixed... but all we got to learn is to seize the day, be faithful and honest to your work, give your best in your studies, treat well your friends and love them on a daily basis, give, live, love and care in your relationship... be grateful to what is in your life therefore you'll know to cherish them and make the best of them!

Carpe Diem!


Saturday, 15 June 2013

Choosing and Refusing

Hey there,

last night I had a tough experience that  brought me into deep thinking, and one of the things that bothered my mind was the power of our choices.

Everyone of us have been given equal freedom to make choices for his life. cause we really become happy when we decide to be responsible for our lives, when we decide to take our lives in hands and know what we want.

But the problem is not really making the choice, the problem is making the choice and want to hold on the old habit at the same time, not really letting go of what we are supposed to leave. sometimes we want to settle in the middle side, but we end up loosing both sides. Look, you can't mix faith with fear or trust with doubt, you need to choose one and refuse the other.
It's obvious that we can't have all in life, and one of my friends (Leni) justified it in saying that even us we are not all, so wanting to have all would be kind of ironic, so when you find something you want into someone and decide to choose it, please refuse any other thing from others, cause wanting to take one thing from one person and still you want another one from a different person, you won't play that game for a long time. (here I want specifically to talk to those who are dating and are still confused in what they really want) but this can still work in many other ares in this life.

The refusing won't be of a small thing, or something that doesn't really matter in your life, for Moses it was as big as leaving the throne, refusing to be a Pharaoh and choosing to lead the Israelite in the dessert, I don't know what is the case for you, but if there's one, be in your spiritual life, your relationship, your work... name them, you just need to take a side!

In choosing a happy relationship you may need to refuse to attend to your ego and selfishness, in choosing to be a happy person you may need to refuse to be led by your little emotions...
it's up to you to figure out what are the things you need to choose and what you need to refuse to enjoy the goodness of life.

Am grateful for the lessons I get to learn in life, even though the process is sometimes ugly.
But I hope it helps you make better decisions and spares you from playing the middle side game!

With Love,


Monday, 10 June 2013

Dry & Beautiful

One of the things I love doing is Photography, I love taking nature pictures, trees, birds, sunsets...and when I created this blog I wanted to be only using  my own shots for my posts but unfortunately I didn't keep that promise, but I have to start now, step by step…

So here is a dry tree! I love dry trees! funny right? I know, but yeah, some of my friends know it too much that when they see a dry tree they immediately think of me, and they tell me later that they have seen a dry tree! (Sophie and Babra)

I see a great message through dry trees, they look dead, hopeless, standing just by themselves, no leaves, no flowers, no fruits...they look like they have nothing to offer in life, they can’t provide a shade for the tired traveler, they can’t give out some oxygen, they are just there, but you know what? These trees are alive! their roots are still stand in the ground, and obviously even though they can't carry nests, they still have birds hanging on them.

We all have some dry times at some points in our lives (oh well I do, maybe you don't), when our plans are crumbling, when we can't clearly see the next step to take, when our education is at stake, when our family members are not our best people to be with, and our homes not our best places to be anymore, when our relationships are our major source of worry and anxiety instead of being our source of love and peace, when money seem to run from us no matter how hard we work... you know, the kind of hardship people go through in this life.

They obviously can't host nests, but birds can have good times on them!
So can You When you're in dry times!
 you can still serve the world and be a blessing in one way or another!
But there's a great hope even in that kind of situations, as the dry trees, you're still alive, and it's the best opportunity to get along with what's going on in your life. Let your roots (which are your trust and hope) be only found in Jesus Christ, He who is the rock of ages, and who can't be shaken by your dry times, because He's the one who has the power to make your life still worth living in dry times and the power to bring it back on track.



Tuesday, 4 June 2013

My Crazy Birth Date Celebration!

Hey there!
Today was again the 1st of June! the date God enlightened the faces of my parents with big smiles 25 years ago, and since then, it has become my date to smile, celebrate, thank God and my parents for being there for me.

And when I woke up early in the morning, I went outside the house and stood there for a short meditation, I realized how soon 25 years has arrived! realized that there're things I would have achieved but that I haven't yet, there was no sunshine yet and the air was still cold, it was not just my best way of starting a year :-( I stayed there for a while looking at the birds flying around and making their beautiful music, they caught my attention for some time, with my head following their movement... and when I came back to myself I was already smiling, and I started to count the blessing I have received in the past years, the little achievements that I have extremely enjoyed, the goals I have reached that have brought a high sense of esteem and fulfillment... I was motivated, and encouraged, and I know that I'll do MORE and BIG BIG things through CHRIST who strengthens me.

So as the title suggests, today was really crazy, it started when I went to Church, and when the Church Elder finished reading the announcements, he said that there's something else to do! then he was like we want to celebrate someone's birthday today... then he called my name and asked me to go at the front, he didn't even know who I am, coz I don't fellowship from that church actually... then he also asked people who had their birthdays in that week to come at the front then the church sang for all of  us! it was a blushing situation!
Apart from that, I also received a lot of texto, messages on facebook, and one that really touched me is that picture of a cake with my name! Thank you so much David for the time you spent in designing it especially for me!

And the crazy time started when I got home in the evening, where I was welcomed by some crazy guys who did this to me: they poured flour on me, and as if that wasn't enough they added water! u see how it looked!
Cutting the Cake looking like a Miller Operator
I didn't expect anyone else home apart from my family members, but I was shocked to see many of my friends, and their friends, seated at the backyard waiting for me, with a cake and candles on a table, surrounded by chairs...OMG, I didn't know what to do... it was just crazy!
After cutting the cake and blowing the candles, I had to change the clothes and join the party!
it was exciting, and fun!

Then after eating, talking, we definitely posed for pictures it was also fun its own way!
Free Style Pose, Do it the way you feel!!!!
With my mom posing also

The Best Part of the Day now! Oh I missed Pizza for real
Posing after Pizza time with Jacky and Cryspin

Really Had a Happy Day!
Thanks To Everyone who madeToday This Special by Your presence, text, call, thought...
I love you!

Monday, 3 June 2013

Rebuked By My Alarm Clock!

Yesterday before I slept, I set an alarm in my phone to wake me up at 6:15 in the morning the next day (Today), then I slept and had a good night; when I woke up, it was already morning, I could see the sun rays trying to make their way through the curtain of my window.

I didn't know what time it was, and I still wanted to sleep but remembered that I had to wake up and get ready to go to work ( Internship) but I had set the alarm for the time to wake up... then I told myself to relax and wait for the alarm to ring, but I doubted if it would ever ring, all sorts of thoughts ran in my mind, maybe it has unset itself (if that word exits) , maybe it has gone off (knowing very well that it was fully charged when I slept) maybe its not there anymore,maybe maybe maybe... then I gave my doubts a chance, stretched my arm and  picked my phone, guess what I saw? it was 6:14, only ONE minute to the time set!only ONE minute for it to ring, if I had relaxed and been a little bit patient my alarm would have done its work and I would have saved myself from being such anxious early in the morning.

Hey Tasha what are you trying to say here? what's the moral of the whole scenario? This taught me that there's a very thin line between PATIENCE and TRUST, when we trust we find it very easy to be patient, and it works almost in every area of our lives, especially in our relationships, with GOD and with people.

When there's trust you relax, you rely on the promise of the person who gave it to you, you are at peace, and you are unshakable no matter what comes along, but when you happen to doubt of the faithfulness of the other person, you become unbearable, impatient, and unsecured; and you miss out the privilege of seeing the results of patience, when you doubt you also refuse a chance to the other person to fulfill their plans for you and and to make you happy.

I am not the best person to talk about trust and patience because I am still struggling with them; am an impatient person, I want do to anything about everything, at times I doubt of my boyfriend's love/attention when he makes some days without calling, and its always an ugly experience when I get to know that he was badly broke and I was busy getting crazy and impatient about it. I feel crashed and ashamed that I fail to trust him enough. Trust is such important that its all we need to get God's best in our lives, we have to fully trust Him to know the best for us, and trust that His will to be the best for us, then we'll be able to be patient and wait upon Him.

Today I choose to stop doubting and start Trusting, in God and in the ones who love me, no matter what's the situation. I choose to give myself a chance to enjoy the peace that comes from trusting, I choose to take them at their words and relax.

You may be struggling with the same issues, my alarm experience inspired me this morning, maybe this inspires you too, you can make the same choice; Start Trusting, Patience will come along!

with Love,

Friday, 31 May 2013

A True Love Story by Me ( Not of Me)

Once upon a time, lived a vey rich young man, powerful, glorious, kind and generous; he lived in a very beautiful country, where everything was pure and real, he had everything a heart can desire. This man was DEEPLY in LOVE with a lady, he loved that lady SO MUCH, his plan was to live with her till the end of time, he would do everything for that lady to make sure their love is safe. One day another man came in (but he was an enemy of this good man), with sweet words and false promises he conquered her heart, he deceived her and changed her mind about their love with the man, she broke the one and only rule she have been given in her life, and she followed that wicked man.

After that tragedy the lady was supposed to die as the rule stated :-( , It was OVER for her to come back to the love of the first man. But it wasn't over for the man, he couldn't bear the idea of loosing his love FOREVER, but remember the only way of fixing the problem had to be throuth DEATH. The man decided to die for the lady so that they can be together forever.the man had to leave his confortable home, his glorious wealth and all the beauty which sourended him and go in a very bad place where the wicked man has brought the lady, she has lost her beauty but still he loved her as much as the first time, he lived the same life as she was living, all because of LOVE.

The time came for him to die, it was so hard, so painful, the death was so horrifying, he almost gave up, but he imagined the great happiness he will have to be with that lady again, to live with her eternaly, to know that nothing else will take her from his arms again... these thoughts gave him strenght, it was worthwhile for him to pay that big price. He died. the most tragedic death, on the CROSS, with THORNS on his head :-( just because of love.

On the 3rd day after his death, something very crucial in the life of the loved lady happened, the man was not in the tomb! HE RESURRECTED. now he is in heaven preparing their home, where they will live forever whenever she accepts to receive his love expressed through death.

That man is JESUS, and loved lady is You and I. And today he is calling upon us, to accept that unmeasurable LOVE. Is there any reason to say no to this man? I DON'T THINK SO.

Thank you for accepting Him to be the LOVE of your life.

God bless you.

Natasha Nish

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Does Love Supposed to Hurt?

Hey there!
maybe you have also come across this quote saying that if there's anything better than being loved, it is to love, and you have believed it, isn't? because its true. But as far as I have lived ( I haven't lived that long though!) the reality seemed to be different from that, people hurt in love relationships, people cry and break down while they are in love, and I fail to see the beauty of Love in the midst of those heartbreaks in the name of Love.
My best friend told me that as gold needs to go through the fire to attain its purity, so does love has to go through it to attain total growth, purity and value, that when you love someone you need to help them to become the best people they can be in introducing them to their inner person, which is actually not easy to deal with, because the truth is mostly hard to swallow, it sounded wise and true. But I believe that even when  doing so, remember you're in love and you have to keep this person  feel secured, loved, valued and feel like the most important thing in your life, anything less than that will make her/him unhappy, unsecured, and broken.

So dear readers, please help me to understand how to attain this growth in love and still be happy together.

Thanks for reading!

God bless!

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

A Great Lesson From Pseudocyesis ( False Pregnancy)

Hey, here's something that really awakened my mind about the power of our belief and I would like to share it wit you. Its actually based on a true story here in Rwanda, of a woman who recently experienced a False Pregnancy.
She's 40 years old and married but  had never had a child, and because of that the husband got another wife who could give him a child, the first wife got so frustrated, (if you are a woman you understand how it may feel to see your husband marrying another woman!) so she badly wanted to have a child, and in her mind she conceived the idea that she was pregnant, which is clinically termed pseudocyesis, people with pseudocyesis have many, if not all, symptoms of pregnancy with the exception of an actual fetus( the future baby), Trust me when they say symptoms of pregnancy they mean the interruption of menstrual periods, Swollen belly, Enlarged and tender breasts, change in the nipples, and possibly milk production, feeling of fetal movements, nausea and vomiting and weight gain.
So this lady carried a false a pregnancy and the time for delivery nothing came out :-( what a pain, and she actually did something that I called a desperate action, she got a small rabbit, properly removed the skin, wrapped it in her Kitenge and said that that's what she gave birth to :-(... it became so loud in the media, the police and medical agent got involved and finally the found out what was really the issue.
So let's leave alone this lady and all the other ladies around the world who suffer from the same, and let's focus on the very fact of believing into something so deeply and eventually see the symptoms of the same happening in your life. If a woman by believing  that she's pregnant she develops symptoms of real pregnant women, just think of what believing can bring in your own life, how believing so deeply into your dreams can eventually bring them to reality! there's a great power inside of you that needs to be ignited, and its only who has to do it, by believing that you can actually get where you want to get. But remember that by only believing the these women don't get the babies, you have to work upon your dream otherwise you won't get there, but the first step is to BELIEVE, HAVE FAITH in GOD and in YOURSELF and everything will fall inline.

I am grateful for the power that God has placed into us, that by our faith/belief things come to happen. I really pray that we might start use the power of faith for it works wonders!

have a Grateful Day!

Thursday, 23 May 2013

LOL ( Living Out Loud )

Hey Friends, This is something interesting introduced to me by my friend Sophie, and she actually had something like an interview with me ( am a celeb!!!) lol, about Living Out Loud, and its actually a challenge but its something we can live up to, making a difference in our daily lives, hope it inspires you!


  •      Likes and dislikes: mmmhhh, well, this it’s quite challenging, should I also include my hobbies??? Lool, let’s see, I  like reading, writing, taking nature pictures, I like staring at the moon, sunset, stars, shooting stars, mountain climbing, camping, swimming, walking(with someoneJ), getting together with friends, painting(walls), traveling, community volunteering, wooohhh, the list is long… I hate SIN with all its fruits that make lives sad, lost  and miserable L
  •     What do you understand by Living Out Loud? well, one time Albert Einstein said that if u can’t explain something SIMPLY then you don’t understand it well enough, so, LOL is simply living an inspired and inspiring life.
  •   Ever tried living Out Loud? Yeeaah, even though I didn’t know that it’s a Living Out Loud action until you asked me this question! There’s a time I decided to spend my holiday volunteering in an orphanage in my country (Rwanda), and at my surprise I was told that since that orphanage has opened in 1979 it was the first time that a Rwandese did something like that, all other volunteers who have come there were coming from Europe and America. That action inspired other young people from Rwanda to share their lives and love with these little angels through even greater ways.
  •   Any highs and lows during the process? Sure, it gives such a deep joy to see genuine smiles on teens who say that there’s nothing to live for in this life, that nobody loves them, but hear them telling you that you make them feel important and loved, and get a huge passionate hug… that is a high! Or feeling the ticklish touches of the little ones, their laughs… it’s like sowing a seed of hope and love into someone. Yes lows are also there, where you face criticism, and discouragement… you know some will ask you how u want to spend your holiday serving without being paid, if you are really normal… but there’s so much in life than being paid for everything we do.
  •    What/ who inspires you the most? Different people according on which area in life they have been highly successful, my own mother in her ability to stand still and maintain the deep joy no matter hard  and harsh this life can be at some point. mmhh, and I’m weirdly and in a special way inspired by the sunrise, when I see its rays chasing away the darkness and cold clouds every morning (am glad am in Africa where we see the sun throughout the year) it brings this insurance that there’s a God busy making my life bright every day, it chases away fears of the future and regrets of the past.
  •  What advice do you have for fellow seekers of LOL out there? Well, actions speaks louder than words, let’s just live what we say and believe, and it doesn’t have to look like everyone wants it to, or to be accepted by everyone, LOL requires traveling the road less or never traveled by.
Have a LOL Day!

God bless